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Darin - QX Februari 2010
"Melodifestivalen 2010 - Årets rysare
Qx har träffat alla de hetaste namnen inför årets tv-händelse och plåtat dom på temat rysare.
Ni får se Darin, Alcazar, Jöback, Pernilla, Jessica och de andra som ni ALDRIG sett dom förut..."
Darin Sid. 41
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Melodifestivalen 2010
Tänkte att nu när det är mindre än en månad kvar tills Darins medverkan i Melodifestivalen, kunde det vara bra med lite sammansatt info
Låttitel: You´re out of my life
Text och musik: Henrik Janson, Tony Nilsson
Startnummer: 7
Deltävling: nr. 3
Stad: Göteborg
Datum: Lördagen den 20/2 - 2010
Kanal: SVT 1
Tid: Kl. 20:00
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Darin - Desire
Tell me what you want
Tell me what you need
Tell me what you see in me
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
Give me what you’ve got... give me
Girl you're sexy
Girl you're cool
Let me give you what you need
Girl you're sexy
Girl you’re cool
Let me show you what you need
You just knock me out
No matter what you do
Come and do me right
Light my fire
I’ve got what you need
And you’ve got what I want
just hand me the key
pure desire
I’ll tell you what I want
I’ll tell you what I need
I’ll tell you what I see in you
I’ll give you what you want
I’ll give you what you need
I’ll give you what I’ve got
You see....
Girl you're sexy ....
You just knock me out...
I like the way you move your body, yes I do....... ooooohh
I like the way you touch me honey, Yes it’s true
(ha ha... now one more time..)
You just knock me out...
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DDTV - Darin fans tycker till
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Läs om bidraget "You´re out of my life" SVT
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Darin - Kors & Tvärs nr.1
"När lugnet lagt sig efter jul- och nyårshelgen kan du bita tag i ett nytt nummer av Kors & Tvärs!
Här har du en härlig blandning kryss med bland annat vampyrer, kända namnsdagsbarn och
roliga vinteraktiviteter. Du får också ett sökord om Darin, och som vanligt också krypton,
20 frågor, sudokun och andra klurigheter. Så vässa pennan och sikta in dig på något av våra fina
priser genom att skicka in dina svar!"
Ute fr.o.m 7/1 - 2010
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13/2 - 2010 ÅRE - Rix Fm Fjällen/Bygget
Darin uppträder med "Rix Fm i fjällen" den 13/2 - 2010
Darin speaks to ESCDAILY.com
With this year’s Melodifestivalen just weeks away, ESCDAILY.com caught up with Darin
who will be participating in the third semi final of this year’s competition with the song
‘You’re Out Of My Life’. Darin is currently one of Sweden’s best-selling singers with
numerous chart topping songs and music albums.
ESCDAILY.com: Hello Darin! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer
these questions for our readers at Escdaily.com Firstly, What made you realise
that you wanted to start a career in music?
Darin: I started singing when i was about 3 years old and have always known that I’ve
wanted to become an artist since then.
ESCDAILY.com: In 2004, You placed runner up in the first series of Idol,
does participating in Melodifestivalen make you feel the same pressure as you
did back then?
Darin: In some ways, but i think the pressure in Idol was a bit different, because it was just
in the beginning, and it was really important for me to make a good impression and to do
well to be able to start a carrier out of it afterwards.
ESCDAILY.com: You have been a rumored artist for Melodifestivalen for many years.
What made you feel that 2010 was the right year for you to participate?
Darin: It all started with the song. When i heard it i knew that i had to do it and it just felt right.
ESCDAILY.com: Are you a fan of Eurovision? If so, what are your Eurovision songs?
Darin: I’m not a an obsessed fan, but i’ve watched it of course and last year i thought that both
“Is it true” and “Fairytale” were great!
ESCDAILY.com: Could you tell us a little bit about your entry ”You’re Out of My Life’?
Darin: I was hooked the first time i heard it. It has this magical feeling, it makes you feel the
lyrics and it’s a song that goes in to your heart. I also like the production. It’s a big sensitive
modern-produced ballad.
ESCDAILY.com: How are your preparations going? Have you decided on the stage
performance? Can you give anything away?
Darin: I haven’t really decided those things yet. I have some visions of it in my head, but nothing
I can reveal yet.
ESCDAILY.com: Congratulations on your recent No.1 single in Sweden with ‘Viva La Vida’,
do you have any plans to release your music in other European countries?
Darin: Thank you very much! Yes, that’s what I’m aiming for right now and it would be like a
dream come true to be able to share my music with even more countries!
ESCDAILY.com: You have also duetted with the latin-american singer Kat deLuna for
the song “Breathing Your Love”. If you had to choose an artist to collaborate with,
who would it be?
Darin: Yes, I am a big fan of Kat DeLuna, so i was really happy and excited when i got the
opportunity to work and record the song and video for “Breathing your love” with her.
If I could choose one more artist to do a collaboration with i think I would pick Beyoncé,
she is amazing.
ESCDAILY.com: Thank you so much Darin for taking the time to answer these questions.
Lastly, Do you have a message for the readers of Escdaily.com?
Darin: Thank you! and I hope you’ll like the song “You’re out of my life”.
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Darin - Runaway SOLLENTUNA - Satsinvigning
Bilder på Darin SOLLENTUNA - Satsinvigning
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Foto : Pax Engström
Darin spelfavorit i Melodifestivalen
Darin segertippas i Melodifestivalen av Svenska Spel som nu har släppt de första
oddsen till årets tävling. Detta sedan SVT presenterat den fjärde och sista jokern i tävlingen,
Pauline, vilket gjort startfältet komplett.
Darin ger 3,50 gånger insatsen vid seger. Andrahandsfavorit är Peter Jöback till 6,50 i odds.
Därefter följer Andreas Johnson, Alcazar och Salem Al Fakir.
Svenska Spels förutsägelser bör dock tas med en nypa salt. Det är extra vanskligt att tippa
utan att ha hört låtarna.
I fjol, innan bidragen spelats upp, satte bolaget Måns Zelmerlöw som favorit till 4,5 gånger
pengarna på sin första oddslista.
Men därefter följde BWO, Markoolio, duon Anna Sahlene & Maria Haukaas Storeng och
Amy Diamond, fyra bidrag som inte ens nådde final.
Måns Zelmerlöw kom till slut fyra.
Ett spel på blivande vinnaren Malena Ernman gav på den listan 50 gånger pengar och det hade
gett hela 150 gånger pengarna om Caroline af Ugglas, som var ytterst nära att vinna tävlingen,
tagit hem segern.
9/1 - 2010 SOLLENTUNA - Sats invigningsceremoni
Melodifestivalen 2010 - Vägen till Oslo
Inte för att Darin är med särskilt mycket xD men i alla fall :)
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Darin - Melodifestivalen 2010 - Vägen till Oslo
"En sprängfylld underhållningstimme, där programledaren Henrik Johnsson
bland andra möter årets artister, programledare och många fler.
Tillsammans söker de svaret på frågan hur vi hittar Oslo-vinnaren i 2010
års upplaga av Melodifestivalen, genom att gräva djupt bland alla godbitar
i Melodifestivalens skattkista."
SVT 1 kl. 20:00
5/1 - 2010